Technology of early intervention in a preventionof chilfren disability in perm region

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This article is devoted to the development of early intervention in the Perm region as a measure for the prevention of child disability in the system of complex rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled people (disabled children). The article presents the level of disability among the child population in modern Russia; the theoretical and methodological foundations of the provision of early comprehensive intervention to children with special needs and their families are considered; the relevance of the development of early intervention at the federal and regional levels as a strategically significant area of modern social policy in the country, the creation of a unified system of early intervention, taking into account the characteristics of the regions of the country. The authors presented results of the study reflect the experience of organizing an early intervention service in the system of comprehensive rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled people (disabled children) in the Perm region over the past few years. The early intervention system in the Perm region is constructed at three levels. At the macro level, the activity of the region is analyzed within the framework of the implementation of the Pilot Project to develop approaches to the formation of a system of comprehensive rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled people; the specifics and content of the created mechanisms of interdepartmental interaction are disclosed; the problems and prospects of their implementation are identified, the experience of organizing early intervention as a public service is studied. At the meso-level, the structure of early intervention services created at institutions of various departmental affiliations is presented; disclosed the activities of the early intervention service, created at the departments of social service institutions of the Perm region; describes the procedure for providing early intervention services to children and their families. The provision of early intervention services to a child and his family is presented as a micro level; disclosed the content of early intervention technology in the early intervention service; describes the stages of providing early intervention services, forms and methods of work used. The prospects for the development of early assistance in social service institutions, new forms of providing early intervention services in modern conditions are determined.

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About the authors

Vladimir A. Bronnikov

Perm State University; Perm State Medical University named after acad. E.A. Vagner of Ministry of Health of Russian Federation; Center of Complex rehabilitation of disabled people

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1397-6400
SPIN-code: 9077-2541

Doctor of Medicine, professor of Social work and Conflict Study department, Perm State University, the Head of Department of Medical and Social Expertise and Complex Rehabilitation, Perm State Medical University named after acad. A.E. Vagner, director of Center of complex rehabilitation of disabled people

Russian Federation, Svyazistov 11a str., 614990, Perm

Milana I. Grigoreva

Perm State University; Center of Complex rehabilitation of disabled people

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5717-4667
SPIN-code: 3922-4090
Russian Federation, Svyazistov 11a str., 614990, Perm

Valeriya J. Serebryakova

Center of Complex rehabilitation of disabled people

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9994-3206
SPIN-code: 5800-5838
Russian Federation, Svyazistov 11a str., 614990, Perm


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Interdepartmental interaction of the early assistance system in the Perm Territory

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3. Fig. 2. Providers of early care services in the Perm region

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4. Fig. 3. Routing of early assistance services

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